Post Category: Reflections

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Christ’s Cross-work

So this past Sunday when we were studying Christ's cross-work from John 18:28-19:42, I wanted to include a few quotes that reflected on the power of Christ's coronation and crucifixion. I wanted to keep the sermon to a reasonable length, so (sadly) I had to cut all of them. But because there some that I find to be so powerful and moving, I thought I'd provide a few for you...

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A Scriptural Summary of the Christian Life

This past week I began a study of the book of Colossians with a neighbor. We're going through a guided study entitled "The Complete Christian" prepared by the folks at Matthias Media. They have a number of guided book studies and if you're looking for something to help you remain focused during your quiet time and work systematically through Scripture, then they have a num...

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T4G Reflections, Part 3

Brothers Sisters, The past two weeks, I've shared some reflections on my time at the Together for the Gospel conference (T4G). This week I'll finish up sharing those reflections as well as sharing some of my reflections on my time at a small pastor's fellowship following the conference. So far I've mentioned the talks given by Thabiti Anyabwile, Matt Chandler, Mark Dever...

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A Prayer for Understanding

As I began last week's sermon preparation, I prayed. For some reason, last week I scribbled down the major headings of the prayer that I brought before the Lord that day, and I discovered them again today. I thought that I would share the rough outlines of that prayer because I believe that it is one that we can all offer to God when we are endeavoring to understand his Wo...

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Repentance and Mercy

On Tuesdays, I am reading through Sinclair Ferguson's The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction with another brother in the church. This past week we talked about chapters 8 and 9, but I was particularly encouraged by chapter 8, "True Repentance." One of the things that struck me, as it has before, is how wonderful God's mercy is. In the course of identifying elements i...

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Here Bring Your Wounded Hearts

This past Sunday evening I preached on the first two words of the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father." From the truth that God is our Father, I drew out five implications for our prayer lives as Christians and churches. I want to share with you the first implication because I need to preach it to myself over and over again. The first and most obvious implication is that since God ...

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Satan and the Sword of the Spirit

A friend was recently confessing to me some struggles, and he was surprised when I mentioned that the Devil might be involved. We easily forget that he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). This is one of the "weird" things that we as Christians believe that is, it is weird in the eyes of the world. What is the Devil's main aim in att...

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You Know He Forgives Us, Right?

In his book Holiness by Grace, Dr. Bryan Chapell wrote, "The tears of confession and the joy of pardon are required to produce the gratitude that empowers the Christian life" (p.35). I've only just started reading Dr. Chapell's book, but I expect it to be a good one by what I've read so far. Many years ago a dear friend taught me the principle that Dr. Chapell propounds, ...

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The Good News is This Good

I've been sitting in lectures on the Christian life over the last couple of days, and we've basically been circling around one theme that ought to have a profound impact on every area of our lives as Christians. That one theme can really be summed up or presented in a couple of Scripture passages: There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (R...

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Don Whitney’s 10 Questions for the New Year

Don Whitney has some of the best biblical and practical resources for growing in Christ. Among my favorites are his books: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and 10 Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health. Perhaps the most seasonally practical of his articles are 10 questions he has written to ask yourself annually, either at the beginning of a new year or o...

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