Posts Tagged with "2 Corinthians 5"

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Yes, Another J.C. Ryle Post

Sometimes I fear that you (my dear congregation) get J.C. Ryle overload, if that were possible. I quote him often and in virtually every forum possible (sermons, blog, newsletter, etc.), but that is because I try to read him a lot. Why do I read him a lot? I read him a lot because time and time again I am challenged, instructed, rebuked, and encouraged to love Christ more ...

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Jesus is God

On Sunday we had the privilege of studying Psalm 45. In the sermon I pointed out that the King was described as being divine. Verse 6 unmistakably makes that point, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness." I took a little bit of time to explain that this makes complete sense with regard to what we know about Jesus....

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