Have you ever asked or been asked these questions?
- Who is God?
- Why should I believe in God?
- Why does God allow bad things to happen?
- Did God create evil?
- Is God more powerful than the devil?
- Has science and the big bang disproved the Bible and Christianity?
- Who wrote the Bible?
- Why is the Bible full of apparent contradictions?
- Is the Bible relevant?
- Are biblical miracles just magic tricks that fooled simple primitive people?
- Why is there so much evil in the world?
- How was Mary a virgin?
- Who is Jesus and why is he the only way to God?
- Is Jesus really the Son of God?
- What's the meaning of Christmas?
- What's the meaning of Easter?
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- What does 'born again' mean?
- What is salvation?
- Why does God forgive bad people?
- Why are there so many different churches and denominations?
- Is there an afterlife?
- What happens after death?
- What do I need to do to get to heaven?
- What about those who have never heard or will never hear about Jesus; will they go to heaven?
- What are the end times, and are we living in them?
- Who is the antichrist?
- Why do college students lose their faith?
These are important questions! We want to help you find biblical solutions and articulate biblical answers to these real-life struggles.
Below is a brief list of recommended books we believe will help you grow in your understanding of the Bible, church history, doctrine, and theology. Many of these books are available at the Book Nook at Arlington Baptist Church.
*A recommendation does not mean we agree with everything in the book or with the author's total theology. We believe we can learn from other brothers and sisters even though we may disagree on secondary or tertiary matters. We encourage everyone to follow the example of the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and test everything by Scripture and hold fast to what is true (1 Thessalonians 5:21).
Biblical Theology
- The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God’s Story by D. A. Carson
- According to Plan: The Unfolding Revelation of God in the Bible by Graeme Goldsworthy
- Even Better Than Eden: Nine Ways the Bibles Story Changes Everything about Your Story by Nancy Guthrie
- The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets by Nancy Guthrie
- Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ by Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum
- The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom by Samuel Renihan
- Biblical Theology: How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel by Nick Roark & Robert Cline
- God’s Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible by Vaughan Roberts
- Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World by Thomas R. Schreiner
Historical Theology & Biography
- To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
- Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
- Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan
- Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
- The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World by Stephen J. Nichols
- 21 Servants of Sovereign Joy: Faithful, Flawed, and Fruitful by John Piper
- The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation by Michael Reeves
- Eighteenth Century Christian Leaders by J. C. Ryle
- Church History in Plain Language by Bruce L. Shelley
- George Whitefield: The Voice that Woke the World by Lucille Travis
Systematic Theology—General Titles
- Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem
- Sound Doctrine: How a Church Grows in the Love and Holiness of God by Bobby Jamieson
- Bitesize Theology: An ABC of the Christian Faith by Peter Jeffery
- Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
- Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs by J. I. Packer
Systematic Theology—God
- Where was God When that Happened? And Other Questions about God’s Goodness, Power and the Way He Works in the World by Christopher Ash
- The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel
- The Attributes of God by Arthur W. Pink
- The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's Delight in Being God by John Piper
- Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves
- The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul
- The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer
- God's Glory Alone – The Majestic Heart of Christian Faith and Life: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters by David Vandrunen
Systematic Theology—Scripture
- God's Word Alone – The Authority of Scripture: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters by Matthew Barrett
- Why Trust the Bible? by Greg Gilbert
- Inspiration by Archibald A. Hodge and Benjamin B. Warfield
- A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness by John Piper
Systematic Theology—Angels, Humans, and Sin
- Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective by Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura
- Created in God's Image by Anthony Hoekema
- The Christian View of Man by J. Gresham Machen
- Did the Devil Make Me Do It? And Other Questions about Satan, Demons and Evil Spirits by Mike McKinley
- What Makes Us Human? And Other Questions about God, Jesus and Human Identity by Mark Meynell
- Conscience: What It is, How to Train it, and Loving Those Who Differ by Andrew David Naselli and J. D. Crowley
- The Mortification of Sin by John Owen
- The Sinfulness of Sin by Ralph Venning
Systematic Theology—Christ
- Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation by Joel R. Beeke & William Boekestein
- Who Is Jesus? by Greg Gilbert
- The Son of God and the New Creation by Graeme Goldsworthy
- A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ: An Introduction to Christology by Mark Jones
- The Cross He Bore by Frederick S. Leahy
- The Work of Christ by Robert Letham
- Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners by Dane Ortlund
- The Glory of Christ: His Office and Grace by John Owen
- What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper
- Rejoicing in Christ by Michael Reeves
- The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott
- Christ Alone – The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters by Stephen Wellum
Systematic Theology—Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit by Sinclair Ferguson
- Perspectives on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Richard Gaffin
- Keep in Step with the Spirit by J. I. Packer
Systematic Theology—Salvation
- The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel by James Montgomery Boice and Philip Graham Ryken
- The Art of Turning from Sin to Christ for a Joyfully Clear Conscience by Kevin DeYoung
- What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert
- Conversion: How God Creates a People by Michael Lawrence
- The Gospel According to Jesus: What Is Authentic Faith? by John MacArthur
- Slave: The Hidden Truth about Your Identity in Christ by John MacArthur
- Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
- No Quick Fix: Where Higher Life Theology Came From, What It Is, and Why It’s Harmful by Andrew David Naselli
- The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ by Ray Ortlund
- Faith Alone – The Doctrine of Justification: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters by Thomas R. Schreiner
- Chosen by God by R. C. Sproul
- Faith Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification by R. C. Sproul
- Grace Alone – Salvation as a Gift of God: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters by Carl R. Trueman
- A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God's Love by Milton Vincent
- All Things for Good by Thomas Watson
Systematic Theology—Church
- A Display of God’s Glory: Basics of Church Structure by Mark Dever
- The Church: The Gospel Made Visible by Mark Dever
- Understanding the Great Commission by Mark Dever
- Understanding Church Leadership by Mark Dever
- What Is a Healthy Church? by Mark Dever
- Why Should I Join a Church by Mark Dever
- How to Build a Healthy Church: A Practical Guide for Deliberate Leadership by Mark Dever and Paul Alexander
- The Compelling Community by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop
- What Is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert
- Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman
- Expositional Preaching: How We Speak God's Word Today by David Helm
- Going Public: Why Baptism is Required for Church Membership by Bobby Jamieson
- Understanding Baptism by Bobby Jamieson
- Understanding the Lord’s Supper by Bobby Jamieson
- Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global by Andy Johnson
- Church Membership: How the Worlds Knows Who Represents Jesus by Jonathan Leeman
- Church Discipline: How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus by Jonathan Leeman
- Is It Loving to Practice Church Discipline? by Jonathan Leeman
- Understanding Church Discipline by Jonathan Leeman
- Understanding the Congregation’s Authority by Jonathan Leeman
- Church in Hard Places: How the Local Church Brings Life to the Poor and Needy by Mez McConnell and Mike McKinley
- The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-shift That Changes Everything by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
- Let the Nations Be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions by John Piper
- Church Elders: How to Shepherd God's People Like Jesus by Jeramie Rinne
- Deacons: How They Serve and Strengthen the Church by Matt Smethurst
Systematic Theology—Last Things
- We Shall See God: Charles Spurgeon’s Classic Devotional Thoughts on Heaven by Randy Alcorn
- The Bible and the Future by Anthony Hoekema
- What Happens When I Die? And Other Questions about Heaven, Hell and the Life to Come by Marcus Nodder
- How Will the World End? And Other Questions about the Last Things and the Second Coming of Christ by Jeramie Rinne
Worldview & Ethics
- Good and Bad Ways to Think about Religion and Politics by Robert Benne
- The 10 Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them by Kevin DeYoung
- Innocent Blood: Challenging the Powers of Death with the Gospel of Life by John Ensor
- Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope That Matters by Timothy Keller
- Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College by Michael J. Kruger
- Health, Wealth, and Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ? by David W. Jones and Russell S. Woodbridge
- We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right & Wrong by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
- Assisted Suicide by Vaughan Roberts
- Abortion: A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue by R. C. Sproul
To see more recommended reading, check out our book lists for Christian Living and Christian Relationships.