Archives for August 2016

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Praying the Bible (Psalm 84)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Early in the month of August I attempted to show how you can pray the Bible for your fellow members. Here, I want to attempt to show how you can pray the Bible for your own soul. Over the past week I've been praying Psalm 84 for my own soul (and for the congregation), and it strikes me that this is a particularly good Psalm to pray if you are ev...

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Lessons in Limited Bible Reading

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Lord willing, on August 27th I'll be gathering with the leaders of the women's small groups to reflect on 1 Samuel. This is in preparation for their study through the second half of the book over the course of the next year stretching from the Fall of 2016 to the Spring of 2017. In preparation for this teaching, I've been reading through 1 Samue...

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Praying the Bible: Psalm 12

Dear Brothers and Sisters, For those of you who have been through a membership interview with me you'll recall that I conclude the membership interview with "7 things we tell each incoming member." One of those things is that I encourage each incoming member to pray regularly, even daily, for their fellow church members. I encourage you to pray God's Word for your fellow ...

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What A Wonder

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On Sunday I mentioned that I'd like to take a bit more time in 2nd John than I had originally planned because I wanted to spend some time helping us as a congregation think through the doctrine of Christ. It is crucially important to the Apostle John in 2nd John. He goes so far as to say that if we do not continue on in the teaching of Jesus (an...

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