Archives for July 2014

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Reflections from Small Group

During the Tuesday men's small group, we studied Acts 4:12-13. We meant to study more, but we so thoroughly enjoyed thinking about those two verses and their implications for our lives that we did not move beyond them. Here's what they say, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Now when ...

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Learning to Pray from Others

Recently I've been dipping in and out of Matthew Henry's wonderful book, A Method for Prayer. If you ever have difficulty getting going in your prayer life, then I highly recommend reading over the prayers of other brothers and sisters in Christ. It's good and right for us to learn how to pray from other faithful saints who know how to plead and petition our Heavenly Fathe...

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Sloppy Supplications and the Sinless Savior

On Sunday I mentioned a few things about prayer, and I thought that I'd take this opportunity to circle back, remind us of them, and throw in a great Paul Miller quote for good measure. God is honored when we pray. Prayer honors God because it is an expression of faith that he exists. It is an expression of faith that says, "God, you're powerful." And it is an expression o...

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