Posts Tagged with "1 Peter 5"

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Satan and the Sword of the Spirit

A friend was recently confessing to me some struggles, and he was surprised when I mentioned that the Devil might be involved. We easily forget that he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). This is one of the "weird" things that we as Christians believe that is, it is weird in the eyes of the world. What is the Devil's main aim in att...

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Remember, Resist, and Reassure for the Righteous One Reigns

From time to time in ministry and in my own life, I try to remind myself that though Satan, sin, and death have already been defeated by virtue of Christ's life, death, resurrection, and ascension into heavenly glory, that there is still a cosmic battle going on. If the Apostle John's Revelation proclaims nothing else, it proclaims that. The pronouncement of Satan's great ...

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