Posts by Eric Pelletier

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Flee From Clinging Sin

Brothers Sisters, One of my sons and I were recently reading a book together that made a powerful and honestly terrifying point about the danger of clinging to sin in even a small way. It is a true story from nature that forebodingly shadows how the path of all sin is the road to sure destruction. I repeat it here for the benefit of your soul. "Picture this: A fly light...

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How God Refreshes Us

Brothers Sisters, When I think of being refreshed I often think of a cool glass of water on a hot day or swimming in the shade in a cool pool of water... a sense of rest, a calming of spirit and body, a peaceful respite in a world of constant action. I also think of deep time in the Word of God where I feel rejuvenated and excited to go back out and serve him more. Afte...

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