Archives for January 2017

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Resolutions for 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Every year someone asks me about New Year's resolutions, and I generally have the same reply. I normally say something like, "Personally, I don't really make resolutions." Looking back on the last several years, I'm starting to come to the conclusion that actually I kind of do make resolutions. I mean, I wrote 16 resolutions for our co...

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Praying for Maturity

Brothers and Sisters, We should pray for one another. I know that you've heard this from me a thousand times. "Pray through the directory." "Just pray for a page a day." "Pray Scripture for your fellow church members." You've heard it again and again, and now you're hearing it again. In the words of Peter, "I intend always to remind you of these" things (2 Peter 1:12). W...

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