Posts Tagged with "J.C. Ryle"

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Yes, Another J.C. Ryle Post

Sometimes I fear that you (my dear congregation) get J.C. Ryle overload, if that were possible. I quote him often and in virtually every forum possible (sermons, blog, newsletter, etc.), but that is because I try to read him a lot. Why do I read him a lot? I read him a lot because time and time again I am challenged, instructed, rebuked, and encouraged to love Christ more ...

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Look to Christ

This past Monday was the 494th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg. His first theses declared that the whole of the Christian life ought to be one of repentance, but so often we find it difficult to turn from our sin. Instead of looking to Christ, we turn inward and look upon ourselves and our sin. Christian, take to h...

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He Speaks, So Let’s Listen

Not too long ago, I was meeting with a brother in Christ and he told me about how the Lord comforted him through various passages of Scripture. Does that happen to you? Do you interact with God's Word, as though it is his personal Word to you? You should. We all should come to God's Word expecting to hear from him, because when we are reading his Word that is precisely wha...

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Christ’s Cross-work

So this past Sunday when we were studying Christ's cross-work from John 18:28-19:42, I wanted to include a few quotes that reflected on the power of Christ's coronation and crucifixion. I wanted to keep the sermon to a reasonable length, so (sadly) I had to cut all of them. But because there some that I find to be so powerful and moving, I thought I'd provide a few for you...

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