Judging With Severity

Are you quick to judge others with severity? Just admit it. You know you are. I am. So let’s hear and heed this gentle word from Charles Spurgeon together:

"Eyes that have wept over our own sin will always be most ready to weep over the sins of others. If you have judged yourselves with candor, you will not judge others with severity. You will be more ready to pity than to condemn, more anxious to hide a multitude of sins than to punish a single sinner."

May God give us the grace to “love one another earnestly, since love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). He has surely loved us earnestly, and covered the multitude of our sins in the blood of Christ.

(C.H. Spurgeon from a sermon on Titus 3:3-8 entitled, “THE MAINTENANCE OF GOOD WORKS,” NO. 2042, given on September 2, 1888 at Metropolitan Tabernacle.)