Jed Kampen
Jed Kampen grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. By God's kindness, his believing parents taught him the gospel, and at a very young age Jed repented of his sins and placed his faith in Jesus. God blessed Jed and grew his understanding of the gospel through the ministry of gospel preaching churches in Wisconsin and Indiana. Since moving to DC in 2014, God has used Arlington Baptist Church to continue to grow Jed in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jed does engineering work in DC, and is taking part-time classes at Reformed Theological Seminary (DC). He and his wife have four kids and live in Alexandria.
More by Jed Kampen
September 29, 2024
Take God’s Side Against SinFebruary 19, 2023
Listen and BelieveJanuary 8, 2023
The Way of the Cross