We Are His

This afternoon I was meeting with a group of pastors and we were talking about what pastors talk about…ministry. We prayerfully considered gathering our churches together one Sunday evening for a combined time of prayer. We thought that our congregations could benefit from praying through A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) and hearing a sermon from God’s Word on prayer. When thinking through an order of service we mentioned various hymns and songs to sing which would go well with the A.C.T.S. model one pastor mentioned a song that I had not heard of before. It’s entitled, “There is No Sin That I Have Done,” and it was written by Eric Schumacher & David L. Ward. Here are the to the song,

There is no sin that I have done
That has such height and breadth
It can’t be washed in Jesus’ blood
Or covered by His death.
There is no spot that still remains,
No cause to hide my face,
For He has stooped to wash me clean
And covered me with grace.
There is no wrath that I will know,
No wormwood and no gall;
For though such wounds and grief I earned
My Savior bore them all.
There is no work that I must add
To stand before His throne.
I only plead His life and death
Sufficient on their own.
There is no love that I desire
But Jesus’ warm embrace.
While now I know His love by faith
I long to see His face.
There is no song that I will sing,
No melody but this,
That my Beloved, He is mine,
For He has made me His.

While the song is filled with great encouragement, I was particularly encouraged by the last half of the last stanza where we are reminded that we belong to Christ because he has made us his. Praise God that he has forgiven us of our sins, and made us his.