Isn't It Love?
Brothers and Sisters,
The other day a friend asked me what kind of music I enjoyed listening to. If you know me, then you won’t be surprised to know that I answered, “Hymns.” Some of you thought that I was going to say, “The Baptist Catechism as published by the Charleston Association in 1813 set to music.” No, though I do enjoy the catechism, I prefer hymns. I’m not a big contemporary Christian music (CCM) fan. Not that there is anything wrong with CCM, it is just that I don’t find most CCM compelling.
Having said that, there are a few exceptions, and Andrew Peterson is definitely one of them (though I don’t know if he would like to be lumped in with CCM as a category). As of late, I’ve been enjoying Peterson’s 2014 album, After All These Years. It is kind of his “Greatest Hits” album. I like different songs for different reasons, but I was almost in tears the other day when driving home from the church listening to his song, “Isn’t It Love?” I find the last verse particularly moving. Peterson writes/sings:
“Isn't it love to look down from the sky
and see Your only Son on the cross asking why
and somehow let Him die that way
and not call the whole thing off.
All for a man here in Kalamazoo
who loses his bags and his way soemtimes too.
but that was something that You already knew,
and still You died for me.”
As a father myself, I couldn’t possibly imagine giving any of my children up for anything or anyone, let alone to do it for someone who was my enemy and hated me. This is precisely what God has done for me and for you. Isn’t that love? Yes it is. I am humbled and grateful. I pray that you are too.
Warmly in Christ,
PS – Andrew Peterson will be in Arlington on December 16, I assume performing what is perhaps the best Christmas Album currently available as it tells the story of Christmas from the beginning of the Bible to the end. You should go and with him, give thanks that God gave us his Son.
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